Thursday, 27 September 2018

Greetings from Doral Academy of Colorado

WE are very excited to work with our new friends from Ukraine on this project. 

Friday, 21 September 2018

Hi from Troyeshchyna Gymnasium!

Hi from Kyiv! 
We're so excited to be in this project!
Our photos are here Click to see them!

Here we are in the videos!

Speaking on behalf of a typical teenager, I can say:
Hi everybody,
I'm Ira, the 1st to speak in the 1st video)
I'm very glad to be in this project.
Here is my address to you on Vacaroo service- just click on it to listen to.


  Speaking on behalf of a typical teenager, I can say:

Hi, my name is Volodia. I'm the second in the second video). 
I'm glad to be in this project!

I live in the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. 

As for my character - I'm an ordinary teenager, but like everyone. I easily find a common language with strangers. I openly and without embarrassment can tell the truth to a person in the eyes, do not deceive and do not discuss people behind them. That's why I have a lot of good friends. 

By the way, I really love sports, for example - football or ping-pong. I'm fond of cars and gadgets, sometimes I play chess. 
Talking of my relationship with my parents. I love them very much. I'm used to being independent, but if something  does not work out for me or if I doubt it, I ask advice from my parents. 
Please post comments about you below!